One of best days had out on the bike we have had with the Hunt Team was filming for the release of our newest wheelset - the Superdura Dynamo Disc as well as our farewell to Josh, our first full time employee. Having a helicopter fly above our heads as we snaked down the South Downs on our Mason Bokeh bicycle was certainly something we had never experienced before (and probably never will again!)
Last weekend, former Hunt Brand Manger Josh Ibbett, left the UK and headed for the continent to commence his riding trip around the world. At the time of writing, he is currently down near Bordeaux but knowing Josh, this can be more accurately described as 400km radius from the coastal French city.
You can check out the final video by clicking here.
We decided to put together a short photo gallery of the cold morning spent on the Downs trying our best to keep things rubber side up.
See below for more...