Journal | Hunt Bike Wheels
VIDEO | Josh's Mason InSearchOf Tour Divide bike
Hunt Beyond brand manager Josh Ibbett has just returned home after completing the Tour Divide, the iconic 2750mile unsupported off road bike race down the length of the USA.
Check this video to find out exactly what equipment is required to take on such a challenge. Find out what worked, what didn't and what changes he'd make.
Josh rides the Tour Divide
HUNT 34 Aero Wide Disc Wind Tunnel Test Report
The new HUNT 34 Aero Wide Disc (using the MAVIC Wind Averaged Drag calculation with 25c Schwalbe Pro One tyre), outperforms the world-leading alloy ‘aero’ disc brake wheels.
Chase The Chaise... An Irishman conquers Kanza
Lloyd Berry did the Dirty Kanza 200 and he did it on his 30 Carbon Gravel Disc wheels!
"We didn’t come all this way for you not to finish!" … the words of 'Butt & Sun Cream Enforcer', as I collapsed in a heap in the shade, wrapped in an iced towel, forcing cold Coke down my throat.
Canyon dhb p/b Bloor Homes Bike Build Video
Off the drop with Emma Whitaker
Josh Ibbett rides the Tour Divide
VIDEO: The Dirty Reiver with Gosse Van Der Meer
Story time with Gosse- Pt.2
Whilst part one focused his first race in Arizona and adapting to elevation, this time we learn all about the hardship and struggles that Gosse faces during his cross country trip in the USA - everything from long training weeks to dietary dilemmas.
Put the kettle on and clear some time, this one is worth the read!
WBP Opening Weekend Gallery
The Hunt for Whistler
Read all about the mindset and fears of packing it all in and heading for the unknown.
Readers Rides Special
Throughout the years you've been sending us photos of your most precious belongings and we've been keeping a record of pretty much every bike we've seen with HUNT wheels on. We were recently going through the tons and tons of pictures and drooling over some amazing machines.
We decided to share some of our favourite ones with you