Hunt Beyond:
Simone Eder

1st Female Finisher, Pan Celtic Race 2022

Simone smiling riding her bike

Name: Simone Eder

Hometown: Austrian living in Basel, Switzerland

Which bikes and HUNT wheels do you ride? Enigma Etape Titanium custom sized with Mason X HUNT 650b Adventure Sport Disc, Canndonale Topstone with HUNT 650b Adventure Carbon Disc, Canyon Endurace.

Favourite riding experience to date? I loved riding in Ireland with unexpected glorious weather during the Pan Celtic Race 2022. But I have moments of pure joy in almost every ride.

What are your plans for 2024? I will tackle one of the five Magnum Opus options of the Pan Celtic Race followed by a surely magnificent route through Scotland with the finish line in Inverness.

What does riding or ultra racing mean to you? Ultra-racing for me combines the beauty of being alone by myself with a great community coming together before and afterwards. The thrills of adventure, competition and this sense of urgency gives me a deep satisfaction every time I race.

Favourite ride snack? I prefer savory snacks more than sweets.

Soundtrack to your ride: My playlist could be very different depending on my physical and mental state. But since a very emotional climb of Col Portillon in the Pyrenees during Three Peaks Bike Race 2021 in the middle of the night this is an all time favourite.

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